Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Simple Case of Confused Realities …

So I ask myself: where is God in all this?

It could be that He is the light that shines equally into all worlds … into all imaginings … regardless of the affective nature of the reality … that ray of sun shine … that beam of light … just maybe that is where he is …

For me, it seems that for most of us are seeking a measure of reassurance that we have once and for all been chosen and are special in someone’s eyes if not our own. So we garner proofs that prove once and for all we are well along in our spiritual journey. When, in fact, if we had the courage to say it out loud, we really don’t have any idea whether or not we really don’t have any idea whether or not we have even begun the journey.

There is an aside to this whole Proof Thing that sits there quietly in the shadows. It seems to me that this thing that sits there is “Motivation by Fear.” So it is fear that lurks in the shadows, not fear of something but Just Fear, just a feeling, not a circumstance. Some of us try rationalizing it and we will come to various conclusions but mostly the rational undercurrent is: The Journey Will Swallow Me Whole

This fear seems to be coupled with a deep desire to appear to be well advanced on the journey so we can pretend the fear won’t get us. This in and of itself is the proof that we are not well along on the journey... we just hope we are!

Material is not a proofSpiritual Judgment is not a proof … especially if you are making the judgment about just how spiritual someone else is …

So the only proof that you can conjure up that has any sense of appreciation for the conundrum that life holds for us is that you display a willingness to do what next needs to be done. All of this is done in the face of what life has to offer. This is often seen as adversity, but not always. I have to overcome the urge to simply just sit down and quit. That one is always lurking.

Rather, take a pause at the side of the path. Take a deep breath and then laugh and that should be followed by a moment or two of sharing with anyone you notice there with you. Then let go of as much of the resistance as possible and step forward into the void. As you do practice the tenants of forgiveness, then add just a little more laughter and this should be taken together with a sprinkle of love and a dash of caring. Wrap all this in an offering of understanding coupled with forbearance and gratitude … not verbally … words don’t cut it at this point … only in actions …

Just let your heart open and then … let it rock and roll … just like in skydiving … once you’re out of the plane there is nothing to do but go for it.


… Skydiving can be fun …

But the operant word here is CAN.

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