Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Part Three Choice Quality and How To Get There

There is a Door and here is one of the keys
Understanding Me
Being We 

Choice Theory
Proposes the Existence of a
"Quality World."

Our Quality World is an imaginary place in our consciousness and starting at birth and continuing throughout our lives we place the people who are important to us, things we prize, and systems of belief, i.e. religion, cultural values and icons, etc. into the on going creation of this place in our mind. Basically how life should be from my point of view ...

The other major place in our consciousness is our perception of how things actually are ... and this is also dependent on how we are perceiving it too ... But Real World ...

Now the Twist in this whole thing is that we also have a place that Glasser points out is a place where we compare things from My Real World and My Quality World ... the "Comparing Place." This is a place where crazy making can take place ... where the lack of balance in my needs fulfilment can most readily be seen ...
So it naturally follows that:

We Behave to Achieve ...
We Do This As Best We Can ... to Achieve a Match Between Our Real World Experience
And The Pictures We Have On 
How Our Quality World Imaginings
Should Be ...  

Behavior ("Total Behavior" in Glasser's terms) is made up of these four components: Acting, Thinking, Feeling and Physiology.

Glasser suggests that we have considerable control or choice over the first two of these, and little ability to directly choose the latter two. As these four components are closely intertwined, the choices we make in our thinking and acting greatly affect our feeling and physiology.

So it naturally follows that the source of much of our unhappiness are the Failing of Failed relationship wotj those who are important to us: With our spouse, parents,children, friends and colleagues is because of their lack of conformity to how we imagine they should be ... Here in lay the problems most relationships will suffer during the course of their existence. It is not so much the relationship is flawed it is more that the individuals bring to the table a series of unmet needs and personality bruises that stand in the way.

The symptoms of unhappiness are widely variable and are often seen as mental illness. M Scott Peck makes the observation that most if not all human mental disorder is structured in an individuals inability to face their legitimate suffering ... Most personality disorders are defense strategies gone sideways, but they become ...

Glasser believes that "pleasure" and "happiness" are related but are far from synonymous. ie sex, is a pleasurable experience but it can be very distant from the making or the breaking of a satisfactory relationship, which in fact is the precondition for a lasting happy life. Hence the intense focus on the improvement of relationships in counseling with Choice Theory. What follows is a New Reality ...

Choice Theory proposes that most mental illness is, in fact, an expression of unhappiness and that we are able to learn how to choose alternate behaviors that will result in greater satisfaction. As per Peck ... face our hurts, pains and needs properly and move forward.

Understanding Me While Being We ... learning how to make those choices you never thought possible or understood that you actually had an option to make.

This Is What We Do
Help You Set Into Motion
Those Processes
That Allows You Freedom
Deep Appreciation
Of Life

To Be Present in Your Life
So You Can Make
That Allow You to Have
What it is That You Say You Wang

Remember Freedom is Defined As
Being Able to Make Choices 


NDT: For the sake of the exercise and the sharing of the information with my client base I have garnered this information from the net ... Glasser and the Choice theory ...this is instrumental in all recovery discovery processes ... My life and busines partner Lynne has been fully trained and has been practicing this for many years ... I have used the concepts for most of the my time in the people business ... What Wm Glasser has done is struck one of the keys to the foundation to understanding the inner dynamics of the family... Understanding and appreciating the depth of these concepts is essential in the discover/recover/discard movement of today ... I tip my hat to Wm Glasser ...

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